Tuesday, April 03, 2007

waiting for visa


Anonymous said...

Oh, wow!

I like this very much. Details, lighting, and colors are great, but most of all, I am very impressed by the overall effect. I very rarely see a drawing where the combination of colors and composition play such a strong part in the storytelling behind the image!

(if that makes any sense at all)

At any rate, great drawing, again! =)

Always looking forward to seeing new work from you!


DELA said...

Thank you very much

Milenko said...

It's funny because it's true.
Waiting for visa while hangign for bare life is a situation which I am only too familiar with.
Croatia 1995, worst five months of my life. Unable to go back to fucking Bosnia, imposssible to stay and survive in Zagreb, and nowhere to go. And fucking landlady stealing my last money from my sister's letter, almost leaving my 3 years old son to die from feaver and cold.
And waiting for visa.
Fuck, you brought it all back with this little gem :)
Your art is mighty.
Cheers to you,


Milenko said...

PS, you have problems sleeping to?
Fucking adrenaline comming out of my ears, 3-5 hours a night is all i get.

Dominic Bugatto said...

Ya post so much damn stuff I never know which piece to comment on ;)

Anytime one can throw a little character into a piece to show scale , you've got a winner.

I can almost hear the hum of the machinary . Nice one!

DELA said...

Thank you Milenko ,my experience is more Austrian ,somehow same environment, same friendliness ,same financial situation. And same feel in your stomach ,frozen emptiness of fear. (he he insomnia makes me poetic )
Hey Dominic ,Thank you ,yes you are right ,there is that hum there.Cheers

Rico said...

I was 2 young 1990, and I was in JNArmy till june 1991, imagine that... two days befor FCKN MDRFCKR WAR started, I successfully escape from that bastard, short time after I join HV, and make war, not love, till summer 1992. Today, in this age, I will do the opposite thing, like, like... be a war profiteer 4 example...

DELA said...

A jebiga ,nemam na ovo sta dodati..
Dobro si rekao.

singinghawk said...

geez you guys...I feel like crying now.

I'm speechless...so sad the state of the world now and then.

Often I feel ashamed to be from US. I am spoiled and have been. Although there is a lot of insanity here (Bush is an example of that) that it is very difficult to fight the beast. In US, it is like an out-of-control monster at the helm of the ship and the passengers are too weak and stupid to stand-up. It is difficult to maintain some sense of joy in life when so much misery at the hands of US.

My sympathies to you, Milenko...and Dela, and Rumble, whatever you've gone through. Im sure there are more stories to tell.

singinghawk said...

Great image, Dela. I really get a sense of isolation...being on the edge of despair. Touching image.

Rico said...

@ banana
It's nothing, You get used to situation veeeeery quickly, belive me...like rats... PIECE OF CAKE!

DELA said...

My totem animal for long time was rat
the ultimate survivor. Or in latin ;
Rattus Epymus Sapiens (clever gray rat) lives on the location of Eastern Europe and has really well developed survival skills.The main hero of my comics and then life became more unreal then comics.And still is.
Thank you Ana.

singinghawk said...

I'm glad you're a rat, Dela -- a survivor.

I'm really sorry that life is still that way -- unreal -- for you.

It is difficult to know what other people from war torn countries have experienced on a daily basis. It is so removed from my experience. The US government hides from us the atrocities they are guilty of overseas. We cannot see unless we search for it on internet. They keep us distracted and entertained with materialism and our own stupidity.

DELA said...

Yes you are right ,nothing else to say.I am really trying not to watch television.Especially "reality" shows.

singinghawk said...

yes, reality shows...it's easy for kids (and adults) to be sucked into it out of sheer boredom and made stupid for the rest of their lives.

I don't watch tv for fear I'll turn into one of those alien creatures.

DELA said...

I am just watching the movies .Even them are getting little bit flat.

Milenko said...

Fuck them memories. War was fun. Like that time when a friend of mine was in a trench with 2 other guys in the middle of some forrest. No one came arround to releive them or to bring them any food for 2 days so my friend wandered out of the trench and disappeared. Two hours later, the other guy from the trench went to look for him. he had to sneak through the forrest staying clear of the enemy snipers, calling my friends name. At one point, my friend jumps out from the bushes in front of the guy, completely naked, with a foam comming out of his mouth, runs a few laps arround him screaming, and then falls on the ground dead :) It turns out he found and ate some really fucked up mushrooms in the forest because he was hungry.
He came back in the morgue a couple of hours later and freaked the janitor when he asked him for a cigarette.
Or the other guy, who got his forehead sliced open by a shrapnel, and freaked an entire shift of military police, when he wandered in their office, holding his brains with his hand so they do not fall out of his skull. He's alive and well today, living somewhere in Germany with a metal plate for a forehead:)
And we all laughed and teased him, trying to reflect a remote controll signal off his forehead and change chanel on a TV in another room.
Ahh all the fun memories...
As for TV, HBO is the way, and some sci-fi chanel goodies in the mix...
Rome, Sopranos, Carnivalle, Deadwood, Curb your enthusiasm, BS Galactica, there's soo much stuff out on DVD's and torrents, who needs shitty tv anyhow :)

Cheers to you,


DELA said...

Rome -I don't know ,not watching that.
Sopranos-Last season was little bit watery I hope the next one will be the final one he he .
Carnivale-The opening was fucking masterpiece ,still love that show.
Deadwood is cool love it.
Curb your enthusiasm-not my humor
New Galactica was cool.
Nesto o CIA-i ce doci na HBO,radio sam na tome ,povijest organizacije od rata pa do pada komunizma.Mislim da ce biti OK.He he ovo nisi cuo od mene.
Usually I am just watching the movies vec imam od toga kockaste zjenice,previse je previse.
A o sranjima necu vise da govorim,
cak ni iz terapeutskih razloga.

Milenko said...

Have not seen last season of sopranos.
I stopped at fourth, and saw a little of the fifth.
Loved the last episode in the fif'.
Curb your enthusiasm is pertty cool, but the last season is a bit lame. it takes some getting used to but I understand that people might not like it. I hate Seinfield.
New galactica ::is:: cool.
Hvala za informaciju o ciji :)
Izvini za sranja, meni je to sad, nakon svih ovih godina smijesno pa ponekad pomenem, a inace te potpuno razumijem. Ako mozes da izbacis izvoli ja nemogu doc do posta, osim da ga izbrisem skroz, al onda ovo ostalo nece imat smisla.
A jest malo bezveze, neznam sta mi bi.
Arrested Development was a cool sitcom.
And some of South american soap operas rock. Usualy those are the most stupid ones that make no sense at all. I would come home from work, my wife would be watching them, I would be teasing her for a week for watching them, and then two weeks later, I will be rushing home from work to catch the next episode myself.
I suck.
Also, I am not big on Japanese animation, but the "One Piece" is AAAwesome show. Concept is simple and done before, but the art is super cool, and it has some of the best character designs I heve ever seen ever. I am up to 275th episode, and I can't get enough.
Family guy, american Dad and some of the Drawn together are funny too.
As for the movies, you should write up a list of the ones you think are any good. I always seem to pick the wrong ones.


Unknown said...

Love the design!!

DELA said...

Thank you very much Alina.

hrvoje said...

uh sto izvucete temu. prije 15 godina sam se kupao u moru u sred zime da se operem, zivio bez struje, vodu cekao u redovima i neko me gadjao ko da sam u igrici nintendo a danas ko da je to neki drugi zivot, a opet cami u meni.
mislim da je stakor nula za prilagodbu covjeka.
najjaca mi je recenica u Nicijoj zemlji kad lik cita novine i kaze: u sranje u ruandi. time je sve rekao. uletio je u rat i prilagodio se da nije ni skuzio. pacov je goli krc za covjeka.
slika je do jaja.

DELA said...

Hvala ti Hrvoje.