Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Sumi ,Painter and then PS


Rico said...

Ne razumin sta znaci sumi, al dobar je:)

Milenko said...

hehe, been gone for a few days and look at all this.
Sweet as usual, previous post was my favorite.
And the one before that.
And the bug thing.
All of it.
Cool stuff for sure.
And it's good to be back.
What's the deal with Raccoons?
Over here, we have possums, and they bring a lot of entertainment to my insomniac nights. I used to sit on a balcony at 3 AM smoke some Peter Styvesant, drink some Vecchia brandy and watch two little guys having a go at each other on the telephone line. Lots of fun. Whole thing ends up with one of the little dudes faling off the line and badly injuring itself.
I never got it why they fight.
Aanyhow, it's all good.
See you around,



DELA said...

Thank you Milenko ,raccoons are usually digging trough the garbage with that little hands with little black glows on them ,last year my uncle neighbor had raccoon pet so we hat little guy visiting.It was nice petting him.You feel honored when something wild allow you to touch it.
I think that they are just rats with the sense for public relations.Same like squirrels.

DELA said...

Rumble Bum -Sumi je japanska tinta ,ima je u stapicima pa je naribas u kamenoj posudi dodas vode i picis kistom.Ili je kupis u tekucem stanju ,malo je razrijedis i stavis u Holbein plasticni kist koji se puni i eto ti sive koliko hoces ,
He he nije "Kaaao teempera ..."
ali poslije Photoshopa pari ka da i je .Zena dalmatinka sta ces.

Rico said...

Sumi mi je parija ka neki sushi, a kist koji se puni to nikad nisam ni cuo, seljak sta ces. Izgleda gust radit s tim,...

>ali poslije Photoshopa pari ka da i je .Zena dalmatinka sta ces.<

Ka nisi zna di ces je trazit:)

DELA said...

A je iz Japana ,i nije skup recimo 8
dolara ovih nasih kanadskih ,ispada
puno jeftinije od onih napizdjenih sivih markera ,jes da je voda niemozes biti high ali probacu staviti heineken.
E znao sam gdje cu je traziti ,radi janjetinu na umido da se smrznes.
Doduse samo je nas dvoje jedemo djeca nece.

hrvoje said...

meni je parilo ka da su shumi-bomboni.

DELA said...

He he vidim popunjava.

singinghawk said...

well of course those testosteroney possums are fighting over the female possum who is flashing them with her sexy while sitting coyly on the other side of the telephone pole...she laughs coyly.heeheheheh

We have lots of raccoons here in the city, too, Dela. And entire raccoon family visits our neighbor's house through cat window and makes themselves comfortable in the kitchen...throwing pots and pans and eating peanut butter. They are very smart animals. I am surprised that they would allow you to touch them...they must sense you are a gentle and kind one, Mr. Goran Dela.

I like this sketch, by the way. Great sumi wash and wonderful colors!

DELA said...

Thank you Ana ,When I was scratching the belly of small raccoon I was surprised how sharp was his fur.
Strange .

singinghawk said...

they sure are cute little things, but I hear they have sharp teeth. You must have hypnotized them with your magical powers to be able to rub the baby raccoon's belly without mama raccoon feeling very angry.

DELA said...

Mama wasn't there, I even pet the wolf once, somehow I just like the animals more than people.

singinghawk said...

really, Dela? A wolf? My GOD, you must really be a nature boy....I like you. Did you grow-up in the country around nature and animals? where did you pet the wolf? Yes, I can understand liking animals more than people. I wanted to be a veterinarian when I was a small child...loved animals...being by myself...but when I grew-up I decided to goof off instead and draw pictures all day. I am glad because now I get to bother you, whereas otherwise I would have dogs biting me while I try to stick thermometers in their butts.

goodnight, my friend.

DELA said...

Hey Ana ,I spent my childhood here


Lot's of lakes and animals ,my father is from there ,Nikola Tesla was born
in that part of the country ,so long time ago hunters have killed the mother wolf and they put few cubs in the cage ,near to the local slaughterhouse ,it was four cubs ,three of them skinny and violent and the fourth one ,the biggest in the group was totally sociable ,so every morning we vent to the lake for swimming passing by the cage and sharing our sandwiches with that wolf ,we called him Vuki ,we just pet him like dog ,great honor.Next summer we have found few more stuffed animals in local hotel ,you know ,tourist attraction, one of them was Vuki ,shitty story .Usual Balkan stuff.
Maybe he is still there ,somehow I am not eager to check .
Cheers Ana.

singinghawk said...

looks like a beautiful place to grow-up, Dela. I am familiar with a little of Nikola Tesla's inventions...some of his work is here in museum in California. He was quite the genius. I did not realize he was born in Croatia.

That is a sad story, about Vuki, Dela. I understand now how you were able to pet a wolf. I like your "Balkan" stories even if they are sad. I'm sure you have more to tell.

DELA said...

Yes Tesla is from Croatia ,Edison was more bussinesman then him.You know emigrant story ,the usual stuff.
Balkan stories are usually darkly funny ,Milenko is expert in that field.
Cheers Ana

singinghawk said...

okay, so shall I believe that the story of Vuki is more dark, slavic humor?

and I was about cry, too, Dela... :o(

I am much too sentimental. I am very Italian that way. My grandfather (from Italy) used to cry like a big baby..."a bleeding heart" as they say here. I am one too.

I never know what to do with both you and Milenko...cry or laugh. I think I would rather cry for both of you. Someone should.

one thing is for sure...I like you both and maybe I will learn to be more slavic in humor and fool both of you into believing everything that I write.

DELA said...

So your nono has un cuore ( I don't know Italian word for bleeding sorry ).The story about Vuki is true ,I just find it darkly humorous ,he became immortal.We just didn't like that hotel any more.

singinghawk said...

sì, mio nonno aveva un cuore sanguinando.

Io ho un cuore sanguinando, anche.

I don't know if sanguinando (bleeding) is used correctly. This is internet version.

Oh, it is true...okay I will cry then...and laugh. :o) Yes, I guess it is darkly humorous...unless you are the wolf maybe.

DELA said...

He he nice Italian signora.
Regarding thee black stupid humor ,I remembered Italian movie ,old one named :"Mimi Metalurgico" with Giancarlo Giannini ,you must check that one.
And I like this one :
"Tutto a posto e niente in ordine "
so appropriate.

singinghawk said...

I will have to check those movies out, Dela. Thank you.